The personalized shopping experience is one of the most important things of today’s eCommerce success

We can call this an era of hyper-personalization when brands collect valuable data from the users and use it to offer personalized shopping experiences and marketing that help brands to gain sales and make their audience more loyal.

Order frequency, Average Order Value, and Conversion rate are all major KPIs that all brands have to follow, and all of them can increase when you focus on personalization.

Being customer-centric requires personalization

“All humans are individuals. Personalization helps brands to treat customers as an individual. Based on their geographic area, genre, age, interests, and many other data that technology can collect of the users.”

Let’s look at a practical example:

Mary visits for the first time an outdoor brand’s website, the website asks Mary’s genre before redirecting her forward, when Mary chooses her genre, the brand’s website directs Mary to the women’s collection.

When Mary logs in or create an account for example to get a 15% discount and looks for an outdoor jacket with specific features, intelligent technology records this information and starts to build Mary’s customer profile with her viewing history.

When Mary returns to the brand’s store, she doesn’t need to start the journey from scratch, the online store remembers Mary’s interests, and shows products based on her browsing history.

When a marketer is ready to send an email to Mary, an email recommendation block is added before it’s sent.

When Mary opens her email, she sees three different recommended outdoor jackets, including the one she looked at 2 hours ago. One of the new recommended jackets catches her eye, so she clicks Buy Now.

Brands can also add geographical content to boost sales, for example many brands offer special delivery for costumes in a certain postcode, for example same-day delivery. When eCommerce technology detects that users are located in areas where same-day delivery is offered, dynamic content blocks show “get it today” promotion for customers from this area during selected hours.

Why should you create a personalization strategy and put it in the action?

Customer loyalty is the lifeblood of retail. Loyal customers keep retailers alive, if you have to acquire each client again and again, you have to spend significant money on marketing. Major brands like Amazon, Zalando and many others, have invested a big share of their sales to get new customers, but when the number of active customers increases, their marketing spend per sales decreases. When your visibility, offering, pricing and delivery are competitive, the next thing that matters the most is how personalized your shopping experience is. 

91% of consumers saying they are more likely to shop with brands that provide a customized and personalized experience

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